"...I have an emotional reaction when I see the sad faces of mentally and physically disabled children dumped into Belarusian orphanages, children harmed by the 1986 Chernobyl nuclear disaster, which happened long before they were born..."
High levels of ionising radiation.
Maternal Metabolic Disorders:
8 Disorders including Alcoholism and Folic Acid Deficiency.
Drugs and Environmental Chemicals:
21 substances mentioned, including addictive and prescribed drugs.
No mention whatsoever of Low Levels of Ionising Radiation.

An epidemiological study concluding that the level of alcohol consumption causes lung cancer, is worthless if the tobacco smoking levels of participants is not considered.

An equally worthless study is one concluding that children with birth defects in Belarusian orphanages were not born of a mother with Metabolic Disorders [including alcoholism] or parents taking Drugs [including cocaine] a range of Infections or affected by Environmental Chemicals.
Only those with a morbid and unnatural fear of low levels of ionising radiation would blame the Chernobyl accident as the sole cause of birth defects in the children in Belarusian orphanages. And then, most derisibly, use ‘bleeding heart’ rhetoric and photographs of these poor children in their war against nuclear power.
Are any radiophobes aware that Double Strand Breaks [DSBs] caused by low levels of ionising radiation activate DSB repair genes, while something as simple as folate deficiency does not activate DSB repair genes?
Proof, if proof were needed, that we have evolved in an ‘ocean’ of low level, ionising radiation.

On this map, Belarus is in the 55 to 59 birth defects per 1,000 live births. About the same as Romania and Greece, although it received 40 to 185 kBq/m2 compared to 10 to 40 kBq/m2 for Romania and Greece.

Turkey didn’t see any fallout from Chernobyl, but is in the range of 60 to 64 birth defects per 1,000 live births. Ukraine, where the Chernobyl accident occurred, witnessed widespread fallout levels of 185 to 1,480 kBq/m2 yet has a rate of 50 to 54 birth defects per 1,000 live births – lower than the State of Kentucky in the USA.
So, what kind of person, faced with this level of contradicting evidence, which is available at the click of a few buttons, would allow their brains to focus on low levels of ionising radiation as the sole cause of such a tragedy of human life?
Radiophobes, that’s who – like Linda Penz Gunter!

Radiophobes are a danger to themselves, in light of a 50% chance of cancer. They would logically refuse life saving radiotherapy, which is sad.
But the real tragedy would be for their abnormality to induce others to refuse radiotherapy too.
Radiophobes – for your own sake and, more importantly, for the sake of others, seek help to overcome your morbid and irrational fear of ionising radiation. Treatment is readily available.
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